KIMA: Noise at Tate Exchange


Join the Analema Group over 5 days of art, talks, workshop and discussions at Tate Exchange.

KIMA: Noise runs daily from 20 – 24 November at Tate Exchange, Blavatnik Building, Tate Modern

20 November at 16.00: Noise and Well-being, Opening Talk, Tate Exchange

22 November at 18.30: KIMA: Noise, Opening event – Participatory Performance, open to all, Tate Exchange

23 November at 15.00: Urban Noise and Communities, Talk with Experts, Saturday, Tate Exchange

24 November at 12.00: KIMA: Noise workshop with local Communities, Tate Exchange


How do urban noises affect our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing? From 20 – 24 November, art collective Analema Group will explore the effects of urban noise through interactive art at Tate Exchange.

KIMA: Noise will combine geometric sound sculpture, large-scale, real-time projection and live streaming of urban noise from around Tate Modern. KIMA: Noise, will run alongside a rich programme of activities to explore urban noises through participatory art, talks, a performance and a workshop at Tate Exchange. Following a year-long development with Stephen Stansfeld, Queen Mary University of London, KIMA: Noise presents the outcome of this collaboration between research and cutting-edge, participatory art at Tate Exchange to the public. The project brings together scientists and artists with local communities and the general public to open a discourse on the impact of noise on wellbeing. Through innovative art practices, the collective Analema Group will highlight the effect of urban noise on health.

Tate Exchange is a space for everyone to make, play, talk, and reflect, and to discover new perspectives through art. Based at Tate Modern and Tate Liverpool, Tate Exchange works with over sixty associates to collaboratively produce a programme that explores the impact of art on individuals, communities, and societies. London is a major city with noise problems just like any other large metropolitan area. Noise pollution, ranging from effects generated by the nuisance of traffic to airplane hums, disrupts everyday life and affects us whether we are aware of it or not. Although a multitude of sources contribute to this urban noise pollution, an ordinary citizen might only be aware of a general hum; ‘the white noise’.

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